Monday, February 16, 2009

Old Friend.

I was reminded today of an old friend.  Funny how growing up you don't realize those that are so essential to your life until years after they're gone and someone reminds you of them...

Cassie was that friend.  Today a simple statement sent me into a world wind of memories.  She was an inspiration to missions, my best friend in college, and the one friend I never felt dumb around.  She was the one I called at the end of my rope one night when the end was all I wanted.  When I needed to share the biggest secret of my life, I told her.

I am only 23 but in the past few years I have realized that the "Cassie's" in life don't come around too often.

Lesson for today for me?  Appreciate the ones I have today because they may be tomorrow's memory...

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