i think we, the church, have done a great job at loving people and not parading these people as examples. we have corrected the moral issues and brought great accountability in the financial arena as well.
but what if someone would have shot up a warning flair or had brought our attention to it earlier? how many younger men and women could have diverted from those issues?
with that said, there is a problem plaguing the church world that is crippling young people from their ultimate calling and creating a glass ceiling for mature believers as well.
it is one of the nastiest diseases for a leader or follower to have. in my own life i saw this issue kill friendships and isolate me from mentors that loved me. my journey of healing was a broken and tough road to climb.
i learned the sad part is that insecurity does not shield one from arrogance and pride. see i can sit across the table and look at one man and think, "I am so much better than he is" and at the other, "Why is he so much better, I can't do (a) or (b) as good as he can."
insecurity and pride are sometimes married to each other. for me i had to kill pride and realize it wasn't about me in order to become whole and secure in who God created me to be.
masking insecurity does not heal it... it doesn't even really hide it.
we have to see the new revolution as us becoming whole over pointing out another flaw in the church. our insecurities in ourselves have made us cynical and critical of Christ's body. we need to celebrate God's grace and his process for each of us.
we can easily point out so many issues in "the church" because the truth is... IT'S IN US TOO! ever heard leaders constantly pointing out the same things in people? isn't easy to diagnose a sickness you have carried for a long time? we have to do some self diagnosis and allow the Great Physician to heal our incomplete heart.
i have to constantly remind myself of a quote by Jeanne Mayo, "God isn't out to hurt your pride... He's out to KILL it." insecurity will show up so many different ways and it's easy to become a chameleon and change how your insecurity comes out.
my prayer is the same as the issues i wrote about in the beginning and the men and women those issues affected. because ultimately that is all insecurity is... an issue. Jesus healed a woman in the Bible who had an "issue" of blood. He said her faith made her whole. God is faithful to make His people whole.
I believe God's desire is for each and every one of us to be made whole through Him. i want to keep pushing others to the front, promoting others' dreams, and praying the God will make us all whole through His grace...
Great article James. I like the a and b expample. I too have been that way. Realizing that arrogance and pride are fruits of insecurity helps you to see it (insecurity) in other people when they show those things.